Official Swim season is right around the corner, and in our pursuit of proactiveness, we are happy to let you know that the link to purchase team suits is officially live. Read the below post for more information on what needs to be purchased, available options, and additional information about this years suits. Please click on the Elsmore Swim Shop Logo link at the bottom to be taken to the order site.
Girls Suit Information~ There are 4 suit options. 3 are Jolyn, and 1 is Arena. The Joyln suits are designed for competition and offer more coverage and support than their training suits. If support is the most important to you, then in the Jolyn, it would be the Devon, with the maximum support being the Arena Proback. If you have questions, feel free to ask. If you have never worn a Jolyn and are interested, ask your teammates, as many wear them to train.
Boys Suit Information~ As has been the case for many years, the boy’s options are straightforward. We are offering an Arena Jammer or an Arena Brief. Both will have the V on them and will match the girl’s suit. If you don’t know the difference, the Jammer would be like bicycling shorts, and the Brief would be what you have probably heard referred to as a “speedo,” and they are more like underwear. Either is acceptable to wear.
*Returning Athletes~ After talking to Elsmore, our swimsuit provider, we decided not to fix anything that isn't broken! So we are offering the same suits and design as last year. This means that if you are a returning swimmer and your team suit is still in good condition, you will not need to purchase a new suit. You are more than welcome to purchase a new one if you would like, but this allows you the opportunity to save a little money and reuse the suit that most only wore for swim meets last year. Again, please make sure the suits are in good condition, they shouldn't be worn out, see through, or missing any of the decals (Valpo V). Please purchase a new suit if any of the above issues are present.
*New Athletes~ Please note the only thing required is a suit. You are welcome to order some of the other Speedo items, but the SUIT IS THE ONLY THING REQUIRED. We will have a more general team/fan appeal store open through Blythes with general things like t-shirts, sweatshirts/pants, etc...