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Sectional Meet Information


Here is the information for the Boys swimming & Diving Sectional swim meet held at Chesterton High School.

ADMISSION: Single Sessions $6.00 / Season Ticket $10.00

POOL ENTRANCE: Please use Entrance #34 to enter the pool area. On Saturday morning during the Diving Preliminary and Semi-Final round, we will ask that everyone enter the pool using the SE pool door (we will have signs up with information and directional arrows). Our goal is to eliminate any distractions to the divers.

2015-16 Boys Swimming & Diving Sectional Time Schedule

Thursday, February 18th, SWIMMING PRELIMINARIES

3:45 PM Locker Rooms Open

4:15 Pool Opens

4:30 Doors Open to Spectators

4:30 Coaches Scratch Meeting

5:15 Pool Closes

5:30 Swimming Preliminaries begin


7:15 AM Locker Rooms Open

7:30 Pool Opens

8:00 Doors Open to Spectators

8:00 AM Coaches Scratch Meeting

8:45 Warm-Ups End

9:00 Diving Preliminary Round Begins

Saturday, February 20th, CONSOLATION and FINALS IN ALL EVENTS

11:15 AM Locker Rooms Open

11:30 Pool Opens

11:45 Coaches Scratch Meeting

12:00 Doors Open to Spectators

12:45 Warm-Ups End

1:00 PM Consolation and Finals Begin

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